Trouble This is a challenging interactive game for dogs where their parent can easily control level of difficulty from 1 paw to 4 paws. It's recommended for medium and large size dogs. Trouble requires high level of dexterity and mental exercise and stimulates physical activity of your pet . A cube-shaped box with a lid is placed on a wooden base. There are two slits in the side walls with two tiles inserted inside of them . Each tile has a pull for easy removal from the slit by dog's mouth. Inside of the box the tiles are locked by "cylinders" under which the treats are placed. They need to be removed in order to slide the tiles out of the box and reach more treats placed on the floor of the box. The base has two additional "cylinders" placed on the sides where more treats are waiting to be discovered. According to dog's behaviorists 15 minutes of mental stimulation with employment of interactive game equivalents to 1 hour of physical exercise. This is especially important for the dogs living in large cities where long walks are difficult and impossible senior dogs with ailments that do not allow them for prolong outings and those living in cold climates where going outside can put animal's health at risk. How to play this game: 1. Hide your dog's favorite treats under "Hats" and "cylinders" as well as inside of the drawers. Make sure your dog observes while you are doing it. 2. Encourage verbally your dog to seek the treats hidden inside of the puzzle. 3. The dog will start searching for the treats by knocking down the "cylinders" moving the "hats" to the position that they can be lifted and opening the drawers where you hid the goodies. 4. Do praise the dog each time he/she solves the task - this motivates them to play as much as the smell of their favorite treat. Tip: Since it is quite difficult game to play we suggest you start to use it with only one tile blocked with two "cylinders". Gradually as she or he learns how to move the parts add additional tile and "cylinders" to increase the level of difficulty. As with any interactive puzzle make sure to stay all the time with your dog while he is solving it being an active witness to his achievement. Additional information: Dimensions: 13"x12"x5" Weight: 4lb All our games and puzzles are made from certified wood covered with water-based varnish that is not harmful to humans and animals. Please keep the game dry and free of water exposure as the wooden pieces may swell otherwise. Use only dry treats for playing with our games Keep out of reach of small children since removable parts can be a choking hazard to them.